Julie_2017 发表于 2018-2-2 11:53:00



jasonmould 发表于 2018-2-2 12:20:00

JasonMolding, China’s leading plastic injection molding company is pleased to present their custom plastic injection molding along with a variety of molding and dies development and manufacturing services. For over 10 years now, the company has been involved in plastic injection molding and this process involves producing plastic parts in high volumes using the most recent techniques and machinery. Heated barrels and special mold cavities are used to create precise shapes, forms and sizes of various plastic objects.
Today Jasonmolding tell you how to produce high quality injection molded plastic parts.
Injection molding is an accessible, ubiquitous process that you can use in the manufacture of different products. This process is quite versatile, making it a very good choice for products, but you must be careful with the process and the product design if at all you are to get efficiently molded plastic parts that are high in quality. The decision you make in the production process will largely determine the final products that you are able to achieve. Fortunately, using a few design principles, you can get the high quality plastic parts that you need from injection molding.
Remember the process necessities.
Injection molding has two halves of mold hollowed using the negative image of the part before the hot liquefied plastic is injected into the mold and left to cool. The two halves are then pulled apart when cooling has taken place effectively. Remember to position the gate properly so that removal of finished product does not interfere with the part integrity. Because the plastic material will shrink in the cooling process, be careful with the part dimensions and design elements to get high quality results. You also want to think about the parting line when making the design so it is located in an appropriate area on the final product during part release.
Pay attention to wall thickness
One of the best things you can do when manufacturing plastic parts is to design with manufacturability in mind. Whereas most manufacturers may work with a uniform wall thickness for injection molds, shrinkage factor during cooling process can lead to improperly designed molds and also products. Let thicker areas be on lower mold parts so that gravity can help in still-cooling the materials in all the right ways.
Do proper cooling and ejection
Quality injection mold does not only rely on how the process is handled but also on how effective and efficient the cooling system is. The mold should maintain consistent temperature to avoid warping and shrinkage while at the same time minimizing cycle times for maximum production output. Ensure therefore, that the cooling system for your plastic parts is well-designed for quality purposes. Releasing parts from mold should also be done with care. Ensure that cycle times, type of ejection mechanism and placement of ejector pins are calculated with precision so that defects are kept minimal on the final product.
Run samples to improve quality
One of the best ways of avoiding rework on your mold cavity it to create a sample mold first to test run your part. This move will help in determining whether there should be any adjustments to the mold or molding parameters and resin selection. Any quality issues can easily be collected through sampling the part and this saves money and time. When you run samples you are able to ensure that the final parts are up to expected standards.
Your injection mold maker should be good enough to avoid the common mistakes experienced, especially when dealing with plastic parts.
China plastic injection molding results are as good as the injection mold maker you choose. Think your part through before choosing the best China mold manufacturer.
About https://www.jasonmolding.com/
JasonMould Industrial Company Limited, https://www.jasonmolding.com/ based at GuangDong Province, China was established in 2010. The company is a leading manufacturer of injection moulding and specializes in plastic moulding for use in household appliances, electronic equipment, medical and safety equipment and monitoring systems.
JasonMould Industrial Company LimitedAddress: LongGang Village, LongXi Town, BoLuo County, HuiZhou City, GuangDong Province, China
Phone: 86-752-6682869
Email: Info@JasonMolding.com
Website: https://www.jasonmolding.com/

enqi茹也 发表于 2018-9-8 10:28:00

塑料产品的厂家,我厂生产设备齐全,注塑机,塑料异形产品挤出机,PVC软管生产机一应俱全电话/微信:18676635623 陈小姐

一铭 发表于 2018-9-8 15:28:00


塑胶压铸模具 发表于 2018-9-14 19:53:00




enqi茹也 发表于 2018-10-7 16:19:00


塑胶压铸模具 发表于 2018-10-8 08:46:00

专注出口塑胶模具、压铸模具制造。塑胶产品注塑,锌合金、铝合金压铸成型,我们公司拥有强大的设计团队和模具制造团队一站式服务,让你更省心更放心 !我们只用实力说话,实事求是。
欢迎各大产品开发公司及外贸公司,实地验厂洽谈 ! 我们相信本公司的努力一定会成为贵公司发展的最好伙伴!中盛全体员工随时恭候各位领导莅临参观指导,联系电话:13823389061(微信同号)QQ:781753069

Alvan8217 发表于 2018-10-10 23:02:00


去了月球 发表于 2018-10-25 09:28:00


嘉森模具 发表于 2018-12-5 14:38:00

深圳嘉森模具实业有限公司专业从事品质模具制造和注塑生产,已通过ISO9001, IATF16949, ISO13485和ISO14001质量体系认证。
随时欢迎贵司的参观与指导, 如有幸成为贵司的模具设计+模具制作+注塑产品生产+改模+模具保养的合作伙伴, 嘉森将按质按量按时供货. 期待为贵司的供应链添油加码.
Ashley Chen
Email: ashley-chen@abi-tool.com
Tel: 188 1877 3676
Website: http://www.abi-mould.com/
Address: A8 Jinse Man Yuan, Shishan Industrial Zone, Loucun Village, Guangming New District, ShenZhen City, Guangdong Province China

君文天照 发表于 2019-4-8 21:04:00

    公司拥有一批专业的工程设计人员及现场制造技术人员,全新的生产设备及可靠稳定的生产能力;我们愿意接受新事物、新思想,追求先进的生产经营、品质管理和人才引进理念; 以人为本,融洽内部关系,增强全体职员企业荣誉感,坚持诚实守信的道德观,加强企业文明建设,不断强化公司内部执行力、凝聚力及在行业内的生命力,极力打造一支强大的开发设计、技术制造及服务人才队伍。
联系人:   黄生          电话 :0755-23196163
网址 : www.szyhwj.com   手机 :13652427303
邮箱 :yhwj688@163.com   QQ号码:   2452358896
地址 : 深圳市光明新区公明街道楼村社区第三工业区7号B栋1-2楼

donghui66666 发表于 2019-4-20 08:37:00

深圳市东辉精密模具制造有限公司成立于2006年,是一家专业从事塑胶产品生产、模具开发、注塑模具、塑胶模具、塑料模具、注塑加工、喷油丝印、移印烫金及装配一条龙服务的技术综合性公司。公司座落在深圳坪地,龙岗大道与富坪路交介处,公司环境优美、交通便利。 公司为一般纳税人企业,拥有进出口经营权,且取得质量管理体系,拥有配套齐全的生产设备。 公司可为客人提供产品抄数、模具设计、手板制作、模具制造、注塑加工、喷油丝印,移印烫金及其他装配加工。注塑材料涉及泛用塑料、食品级材料以及防火、高温、加纤类等工程塑料。产品系列有:智通家居、运动相机、 办公电脑、汽摩配件、车载通讯、儿童学习机、手机外壳、小家用电器、电子类、音响喇叭、体育用品、LED显示屏系列、灯具照明、保健医疗、食品餐具、安防设备及音乐器材等等…… 公司本着“质量第一,科学管理,持续改进,满足客户”的经营理念,真诚希望能与所有新老客户在我们能提供加工和服务的业务方面诚信合作,以我们全部的技术经验,以我们满腔的热诚和真情,和广大客户携手共创美好明天!!!网址:www.donghuijm.com电话:13924618553 微信同号
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