iltbj 发表于 2006-5-26 15:39:00


7. 某客户需要大量仓库中快速流动的货物,请问你可能在仓库的什么位置找到这种物品?为什么这种物品会放置在仓库中你认为的那个位置?(2 X 2分)
If a customer requires a high number of fast moving goods from a warehouse where, within the warehouse, might you expect these fast moving goods to be found, and why would they be positioned where you suggest?
9. 仓库中存放物品可以用固定货位和随机货位。请问:
Both fixed and random location systems are used to store goods in warehouses. Where, within a warehouse, are:
Fixed locations commonly used, and why?
Random locations commonly used, and why?
With a low level picking method where is the reserve stock usually held?
What is another term for the high level picking method?
如果使用 1000mm x 1200mm托盘,
A Reach truck and a Turret truck.
叉车有一系列配件(教材中译为“属具”),列举其中两项。 (2X1分)
Give TWO examples of attachments that may be fitted to fork trucks.
15. 根据你个人的理解,列举决定仓库中所需通道的两个因素。(2X2分)
In your own words, briefly explain TWO of the factors that determine the required number of gangways in a warehouse.
19. 列举制定叉车维护计划时需要考虑的其中四个问题。(4X1分)
When developing a plan for maintaining forklift trucks what are FOUR of the questions you will need to ask?
20. 分别列举两个仓库布局和仓库内部管理中需要考虑的健康与安全方面的问题。(4X1分)
Briefly explain TWO general health and safety considerations with regard to the layout of the warehouse and TWO general considerations with regard to warehouse housekeeping.
行走速度为120米/分钟 升降速度15秒/米 叉起和放下托盘速度45秒/托盘
A forklift truck picks up and moves one full pallet from a storage area to a pick face and, in so doing, travels a total of 60 metres and lifts the forks up 3 metres and down again 3 metres. Using the information below calculate the total time to complete the action described above.
Travel time 120 metres per minute、
HU/HD at 15 seconds per metre、
PU/PD at 45 seconds per pallet、SHOW YOUR WORKING列出计算过程。
23. 简要描述如何改善仓库空间使用率。(4分)
Briefly describe how warehouse space utilisation may be improved.
1. 你是一个仓库主管。你被经理告知,自从最近失去一个客户后,仓库的吞吐量略微下降,而叉车工的加班时间却有所增加。你如何理解正确的加班时间?又如何将加班时间控制在合理的水平?(50分)
You are a Supervisor in a warehouse and have been informed by your Manager that having lost a customer recently the volume of product throughput had decreased slightly but the amount of overtime worked by the forklift drivers had actually increased. How would you go about understanding the correct level of overtime and how to control it at that level?
[ 本帖最后由 cutelisa 于 2006-5-26 15:43 编辑 ]

茱茱 发表于 2006-6-20 14:07:00


simony_2006 发表于 2006-7-18 17:11:00


iltbj 发表于 2006-7-31 13:51:00

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