人到四十 发表于 2017-9-27 17:26:00


今天跟大家分享一个伪装很好的骗子现形记,事情再次告诉我们千万不要相信天上掉馅饼 ,还有可能是炸弹! 如果不下功夫甄别就会给我们带来损失,精神上和物质上的,新手朋友更要注意。
From: customerservice.manager11@gmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 12:21 AM
To: xxx
Subject: Potassium sorbat:

Dear Sir/Madam
Hope you are doing great in business, this is Garret from Kerry Foods,
Kerry foods is a leading manufacturer and marketer of added value branded and customer branded chilled foods to the UK & Irish consumer foods markets and selected international markets. Kerry Foods' market leading brands are household names in our selected markets.
We kindly ask you to quote and supply/sell us with:
Potassium sorbat:
Packing:         25Kg cartons
Qnty:               4*20GP
Terms of shipment: F.O.B / EX-Work
Hope we can cooperate soon
Waiting for your prompt feedback soon
Best regards
Garret Walsh
Executive Director for Sales
Kerry Foods Headquarters
Kerry Foods
Thorpe Lea Manor
Thorpe Lea Road
TW20 8HY
Tel: +44 1784430777
Web: www.kerrygroup.com
。产品正是英国市场卖的挺好的产品而且最近货紧好多工厂都停止报价了,也能符合客户原来的渠道出现异常所以客户寻找新的供应商的情景。马上跟工厂核实报价告诉客户我们只能提供1FCL 要求预付 ( 这里打了个伏笔,因为英国客户做预付的很少,放账的很多,咱先要求预付,看看客户反映)。当时也注意到客户是用Gmail发过来的邮件,心里提了个醒 ( 一般大公司都是用公司邮件,用免费邮箱的骗子很多)。
Dear Mr xxx
We are very glad to receive your emailalong side the prices as well.hence fore for payments we do Net 30 days (O/A) fully granted by any export insurance company. Kindly confirm and let me have your opinion in order to proceed.
Waiting for your reply soon as possible.
Best regards
Garret Walsh
Executive Director for Sales
Kerry Foods Headquarters
Kerry Foods
Thorpe Lea Manor
Thorpe Lea Road
TW20 8HY
Tel: +44 1784430777
Web: www.kerrygroup.com
骗子马上回邮件,不提价格高低直奔付款方式,像这样的我们80%都给归到骗子一类。 反正闲着也是闲着陪他过过招,我回复说新客户我们都50% 预付,50%后付,报价是基于预付的,如果后付直接涨了10%。
Dear Mr. xxx
Thank you for your email please, i forwarded the prices and said the prices are fair based on payments 100% O/A 35 days. therefore please reconfirm payments of 100% O/A 35 through any export insurance company fully granted
Awaiting for your reply soon
Best regards
Garret Walsh
Executive Director for Sales
Dear Mr xxx,
Thank you or your rely please alongside the price updates, we real want to establish firm business with your company as well but as told you that our accounts ruled payments of O/A
Awaiting your reply and updates soon.

Many Thanks & Regards ,
Garret Walsh
Executive Director for Sales
没回邮件的几天骗子沉不住气,发好几封邮件RMINDER, 你想大公司谁能有这么好的态度呀,估计骗子也是经验不足,自己暴露了。出差回来后坐在办公室没事再陪骗子玩玩, 回邮件告诉他后付的我们必须做CIF , 不能做FOB.
Dear Mr. xxx
We acknowledge the receipt of your email above, and the prices are oke basedon CIF shipping terms.
And we have two(2) destination portsie port of Felix-stow and port of Khalid in UAE to our branch in middle east. there fore confirm the prices (CIF) for the above ports, hence we can proceed.
Awaiting your reply and updates soon.

Many Thanks & Regards ,
Garret Walsh
Executive Director for Sales
Dear Mr. xxx
We acknowledge the receipt of your reply please, we can go aheadand below is detailed information of our company that you may require:
Kerry Foods Limited
Thorpe Lea Manor
Thorpe Lea Road
Egham, Surrey
TW20 8HY
Company No:02604258   VAT NO: GB 63539
Do not hesitate to contact me in case any information is required.
Awaiting your reply and updates soon.

Many Thanks & Regards ,
Garret Walsh
骗子为了让我上套, 咱说啥都行, 迫不及待的把公司的情况都提供了。这个大公司我当然知道,调查个屁呀!你冒充人家的事咱得唠唠, 我回邮件提示了几点如下:
Hi Garret,

Thanks for your information. I still need more info as flws:

1.your company’s website :www.kerrygroup.com ?
2. your company’s tel: +44 1784430777
3. your company’s email address :   xxx@kerrygroup.com ?

pls kindly check again.
Dear Mr. XXX
Thank you for your email please, yes both the website and the Telephone number are ours, apart from our server are currently down for an upgrade, hence amunable to use our emails, once the issue is rectified soon, i shall reply you my next email using company emails. hope you understand.
And the insurance can begin to do their work.

Awaiting your reply and updates soon.

Many Thanks & Regards ,
Garret Walsh
Executive Director for Sales
骗子竭力的解释一番,也合情合理,他估计咱们也不会打电话跟李逵核实,所以他这个李鬼就冒充到底, 解释公司邮箱服务器有点问题等恢复了就通过公司邮箱发邮件。 大家注意这封邮件是骗子9.20日回复,我们猜猜骗子在忙什么?对了,有人猜出来了,咱给骗子指了条明路,做戏要全套怎么能用免费邮箱的, 赶紧去工作!!!
From: sales@kerryfood-service.co.uk
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2017 3:39 PM
To: xxx
Cc: info@kerryfood-service.co.uk
Subject: Potassium Sorbate

Dear Mr xxx,
Thank you for your reply please, i shall keep waiting for your prompt feedback and updates asap.
Please in case of anything do not hesitate to contact me.
Many Thanks and Regards

Garret Walsh

Executive Director for Sales
Kerry Foods Headquarters
Kerry Foods
Thorpe Lea Manor
Thorpe Lea Road
TW20 8HY
Tel: +44 1784430777
E: info@kerryfood-service.co.uk
Web: www.kerrygroup.com
骗子效率就是高, 9月21日发邮件就是用公司邮箱了。 什么鬼?@kerryfood-service.co.uk,起码也应该是 @kerrygroup.com, 那来的service !   马脚终于露出来了, 咱上网搜一下WHOIS域名查询服务 kerryfood-service.co.uk, 结果如下:
Domain name:
Registrant type:
Registrants address:
BOX 32189
Data validation:
Nominet was not able to match the registrants name and/or address against a 3rd party source on 20-Sep-2017
PDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com t/a PublicDomainRegistry.com Tag = PDR-IN
URL: http://www.publicdomainregistry.com
Relevant dates:
Registered on: 20-Sep-2017
Expiry date: 20-Sep-2018
Last updated: 20-Sep-2017
我勒个去,为了骗哥还去花钱注册了个域名, 你个乌干达李鬼还冒充英国李逵! 真是NO PAIN NO GAIN !
骗子真现行了 哥还是有点失望的,现在生意这么难做还真盼着有个好客户, 你说你们这些骗子瞎起什么哄,果断删除!   后来一想还是写出了给大家乐一下,毕竟骗子也动了脑筋,哥也尊重你的劳动,帮你给大家都宣传一下!

hflion 发表于 2017-9-27 17:31:00


产地证/使馆认证 发表于 2017-9-27 17:32:00


杨qingfeng1 发表于 2017-9-27 17:37:00



sz天道酬勤dt 发表于 2017-9-27 17:57:00

专业保税区仓储,保税区一日游,保税区退运返修复出口等保税区业务13652330216 张先生

TJ-小韩 发表于 2017-9-28 08:41:00

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